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Technology Is the Driving Force in the Vape Space

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Vaping and technology

Since the discovery of vaping, in the year 1963, and its reinvention in the year 2007, there seems to always be something new in the industry. Looking closely, you will realize that without technology, vaping would not be what it is today. Vaping devices we had last years are different from the one we have today, in one way or the other. Manufacturers of vaping devices and accessories don't seem to rest. They are always looking for innovative ways to improve vaping experiences and enable as many people quit smoking by offering satisfying vaping sessions. In order to achieve this, technology has played a very big role.

Before we get into today’s technological vaping achievements, we will take a brief look at the history of vaping.

Vaping was invented in the year 1963 by Herbert A. Gilbert, who had the idea of a smokeless non-tobacco cigarette. However, he did not get to successfully commercialize this idea. In the year 2004, a Chinese Pharmacist, Hon Lik made an attempt to commercialize this idea. This was in pursuit of a better alternative to traditional analog cigarette smoking, following the death of his father, who had died of lung cancer due to smoking tobacco cigarettes. It was he that invested the plastic mouthpieces that would also act as a reservoir for the e-liquid. His devices used piezoelectric ultrasound, which would produce elements to heat the Propylene Glycol. But even then, the idea of electronic cigarettes didn't go viral- Not until the year 2007.

The year saw the development of the first cartomizers. The cartomizer technology included the use of coils to heat up the vape juice. The cartomizers came with an atomizer head that was replaceable, in the case that the coils burned out. This advancement saw many people change their perspective about vaping. And in the next year, came a big breakthrough- The clearomizers. Like the cartomizers, clearomizers came with an atomizer head, therefore, used coil technology to vaporize e-juice. But unlike cartomizers, they came with a clear tank to enable vapers view the remaining content in their advice. Also, there was the fact that the clearomizers came with a more powerful variable battery and a wicking system to ensure that the coils got adequate saturation. The result: Fewer complaints about dry hits and better flavor and vapor output. From there, it has been one technology advancement after another.

Here are some of the most significant technology changes that have seen the vaping industry change for the better:


  • Vaporizers - People consume medical marijuana a number of ways, one of the most popular options being vaping. In states where marijuana is legal, manufacturers have come up with innovative devices to vaporize dry herbs and concentrates. These vaporizers come with a heating chamber, where you can place your dry herbs or concentrates to vaporize just like your regular e-liquids. There are some vaporizers today that will in fact allow you to use e-juice. It just goes to show you the versatility of these devices.
  • Regulated MODs - In the past, there was no manufacturer who would produce these types of devices. Therefore, vapers relied on their experience to build coils and vape below 1 Ohm. DIY building of coils came with a lot of frustrations. If one was not getting extremely dry hits, then you were exploding your MOD. Thus, sub-ohm vaping was left only for the advanced vapers, but not anymore. Today, there are regulated MODs, coming with powerful batteries, to support this type of vaping. Additionally, they have pre-set wattage levels so that you get just the right temperature for your desired type of vape. In fact, some of these MODs are so advanced that there are being built with a temperature control technology and most recently, auto temperature control (ATC). The availability of these technologically-advanced devices has made it possible for nearly anyone to explore the world of sub-ohm vaping. TC MODs sense when your coils reach the optimal temperature and regulate the wattages before the coils overheat. As for ATC MODs, they are just like TCs. However, they sense the boiling points of each e-liquid, making them more accurate.


  • Batteries - Today we have very powerful vape batteries, some going up to 3500Mah. This huge capacity allows vapers to vape at their own convenience. Besides, they enable you to vape for more sessions without the need to recharge; hence, you don't have to worry about not having a source of power. In the vaping market today, you will find variable wattage batteries. These were invented shortly after the clearomizers. They support high-power devices, which come in handy when vaping dry herbs and concentrates and also for advanced vaping techniques including Sub-Ohm vaping.
  • Chargers - Thanks to technology, today we have USB chargers. These are extremely convenient as they allow you to recharge from your computer, particularly, where you don't have a charging port nearby. Another technological advancement in vaping devices' charging is the strength of the chargers. Most chargers have a 2.0MAh strength, which allows you to get your device fully-charged within one hour or less.
  • Coils- Sub-ohm coils are the newest invention in this space . These coils have a very low resistance (below one Ohm), making it possible for massive cloud production. These coils are readily available in any vape shop. They also come prebuild on atomizer heads compatible with most sub-ohm vaping devices.
  • Vape Tanks- There are a wide range of vaping tanks out there, and at least, one is bound to suit your needs . There are different materials of tanks such as plastic tanks, Pyrex tanks, and glass tanks. The types of tanks you can find today are RBAs, RDAs, sub-ohm tanks, herbal tanks, and even standard vape tanks. Each though is made for certain devices and e-liquids/waxes/oils/concentrates to handle.
  • E-Juice- Aside from the wide variety of flavors available today, you will notice that the quality of e-juice have improved over the years . Food grade flavors, which are suitable for inhaling, were invented. And, this is all thanks to technology. Then there is the tweaking of e-liquids so that they serve the various needs of the different vapers-some achieve a powerful throat hit, others are all about flavor, others concentrate on the vapor output while others balance the three aspects.

Without technology, vaping would not be what it is today. And, probably, not many people would consider it as a better alternative to smoking. However, thanks to technology, vaping is today considered just that– the better choice.