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Top 3 Spring E-Liquids from The Vape Mall
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Spring is in the air! With bright sun and blue skies quickly approaching, it’s time to throw off the layers of scarves, blankets, coats, and whatever else you can pile on to stay warm and embrace the shorts and T-shirt weather. Along with the beautiful weather comes that young curiosity to try new experiences. As a vaper, one of these new things could be flavors never before created or tasted. Here at The Vape Mall, we’ve designed some of the perfect e-liquid flavors to compliment your springtime cravings.
Springtime E-Liquid Flavor #3: Apricot
By striving for real apricot flavor, we’ve captured the essence of this spring fruit. Bursting with an aromatic scent and taste, the vapor brings to mind green grass and fruit trees. Smooth and sweet with a faint tartness, the Apricot flavor is a stunning recreation of the fruit.
Springtime E-Liquid Flavor #2: Pink Lemonade
How could anyone think of springtime without thinking of lemonade? The quintessential spring cleaning drink of choice has always been pink lemonade for a large number of people. With that said, we’ve created that same taste and thirst-quenching satisfaction in an e-liquid flavor. Since pink lemonade already evokes the feeling of relaxing and taking a mental break, the vapor version is perfect for doing the same thing—but without the hassle of having to squeeze lemons.
Springtime E-Liquid Flavor #1: Cosmic Fog Milk & Honey
On a Sunday morning, waltz down the stairs after sleeping in to a bowl of cold cereal and toast with drizzled honey. Look outside and see puffy clouds and wildflowers blooming in the fields outside. This is the feeling The Vape Mall’s Cosmic Fog Milk & Honey evokes. With stellar ingredients and a perfect balance of light milk and sweet honey flavors, this e-juice is by far one of the most unique yet familiar flavors on the market today.
If you’re striving for that springtime curiosity but need that vaping fix we have all of the flavors you need. From the fruity apricot to the quintessential pink lemonade and even to the sweet milk and honey, these flavors each recall a specific springtime event. And all three are exquisitely crafted to ensure you enjoy your springtime experiences to the fullest.