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Beginner’s Guide to Vaping: The Extra Tank
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The world of vaping is full of special practices that will ultimately add to the quality of the experience and your overall enjoyment. In addition to researching all the details of necessary paraphernalia, maintenance and care, there are some simple good practices that can lengthen the longevity of your set of vape equipment and keep you safe from the foul odors and flavors that can come from various rookie errors.
In this article, we will discuss the practice of carrying or at least owning an
vape tank
on hand. The reason for this is essentially convenience. A well-practiced
vaping enthusiast can easily deplete an entire vaping tank each day and having
a second one on hand can keep things flowing and vaping in a comfortable and
consistent fashion.
Many classy and sophisticated vaping enthusiasts recommend having three tanks
on hand. The task of properly cleaning and filling a single tank requires a bit
of practice and attention to get right. Performing the process two at a time is
simply more convenient and practical.
But, beyond practicality, there are some other reasons that a vaper will choose
to carry two or more tanks with them to support their habit.
Keeping the flavors distinct and defined is the first reason to carry various
tanks. Switching around flavors is half the fun of the vaping practice and
there is really an amazing selection to choose from. This can also lead to a problem.
Many first-time vapers will deplete a tank of one flavored
e-juice and then refill the tanks with another flavor and instantly
start puffing away. This can result is a rotten flavor and odd smelling vapor.
This is usually a one-time mistake as the problem is easily recognized and
avoided in the future.
But, if you would like to swap out flavors on the fly, having an extra tank
filled and prepared with your next flavorful vaping adventure is the way to go.
This way the depleted tank can be properly cleaned, maintained and refilled
when you have a chance to perform this operation. Of course, some vaping
varieties will getter a better taste of flavors by re-wicking the RDA.
Cleaning the tanks of your vaping set is also the hygienic way to operate and
increases the longevity of your apparatus. Finally, if you are a fan of a great
selection of flavors you will find that reserving a specific tank for each
flavor allows for superior flavor distinction -- and good flavor distinction is
what vaping is all about.
Another advantage of keeping extra tanks at the ready has to do with your
specific vaping preferences. Sub-ohming has become a much sought after and
misunderstood trend in the vaping world. If you are equipped with a sub-ohming
vaping device, you may want to carry the specially designed sub-ohming tank
with you. Then if you’d like to switch back to regular cloud chasing you can
simply restore the original tank.
There is an important point to keep in mind when using a variety of different
tanks. It is important to make sure the e-liquid you are using with the tank is
not damaging the tank materials. Certain e-liquids must be used with special
tanks to avoid damage and possible health hazards. It is simple to avoid this
error; simply research the PG/VG ratios of the e-liquids and tanks you are
purchasing. You should also research the wattage of your device and how this
affects the dynamics of vaping.
The final reason an extra tank can improve the quality of your vaping
experience has to do with the capacity of the tank to carry e-liquids. If you
have advanced in the vaping echelons, vaping heavily and able to complete an
entire tank after a couple of hours of cloud chasing, then an extra-large tank
is what your need to.
You can begin by purchasing a single extra-large extra tank accompany to
accompany the tank you already own. If this is not enough, or you can find a
special offer on two large tanks, and two good-sized extras should cover your
By the same measure, if you are doing some heavy vaping but also like the
variety of flavors that we find in the e-juice market you may get the same
results or better by carrying more tanks of various flavors. Furthermore,
smaller tanks have an undeniably attractive look, or you can choose the larger
tank types.
Nevertheless, the final goals of vaping are individual and usually align to
personal enjoyment in some way or another. It will be important to find the
best style, flavor selection, and tanks size for you.
As you can see, the vaping experience is full of small best practices and
vaping-styles that lead to the best experience for the individual. The best way
to begin the journey is by leaving your options as open as you can and finding
how your cloud chasing fits into your lifestyle. One final note when buying and
carrying spare tanks, you will want to be sure that the spare tanks fits the device
you have.