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The Benefits and Costs Savings of DIY E-Liquids

Posted by David on

The Vape Mall DIY ejuice

E-liquids are the critical component to keeping the vaping industry booming. While you absolutely can argue that devices do most of the work, e-liquids provide that tantalizing curiosity that only purchasing and tasting can conquer. With an absolutely stunning array of juices from The Vape Mall, it’s almost impossible not to indulge and just buy every single one you think is cool. However, the cost of this indulgence can be pretty steep. Furthermore, depending on how much you vape, it’s quite possible to go through an entire bottle of tasty e-juice extremely quickly. If you keep up at the same rate, then vaping can become very expensive very fast.

One possible solution to this rips cost inflation is DIY e-juice creation. This is something many hardcore vapers have done for a while, but it is now becoming more popular in the mainstream. It is more likely that this will become increasingly popular, especially with the upcoming FDA regulations on new flavor creation. You can think of DIY vape juice like custom craft beers, but much easier to create with far less of an upfront cost. Though the cost is less than most other DIY projects, you may want to see if it’s worth it for your vaping style. If you don’t vape at a high frequency, then simply purchasing e-liquids you enjoy in bulk might be the best option. If you do vape quite a bit and tend to burn through your liquids quite fast, then this is a great option for keeping your hobby’s costs down.

So what exactly do you need for DIY e-juice? You only need to purchase a few things. First, you must get some basic ingredients. The three major components of an e-liquid are diluents, nicotine, and flavoring. Diluents are your vegetable glycerin (VG) or propylene glycol (PG), which serve as the base for the rest of your liquid. Nicotine is optional, depending on your preference in vaping. Flavoring gives you those unique blends that nobody else has. Next, you need tools to mix your flavors and store them in. If you’re using nicotine in your juices, you’ll definitely want to work with gloves. Nicotine can be absorbed through the skin, so wearing protective gear is necessary. Syringes or pipettes let you measure the exact amounts of each liquid to mix, and bottles or containers help you store your juices. There are plenty of formulas online that will help you make crude e-juice mixes, but the fine-tuning is up to you.

Speaking of fine-tuning, this process is one of the most rewarding parts of DIY e-juice creation. Making a basic mix is great, and is extremely exciting the first time you do it. However, it’s that process of getting the flavor perfect, of meshing together unique tastes and memories into one grand finale that nobody else can make that really makes DIY e-liquids a magical experience.

Another key benefit of DIY e-liquid mixing is cost reduction. Commercial e-liquids generally come in small bottles. Sometimes you can buy larger bottles, but these never come in bulk. If you create your own juices, you can buy the ingredients in bulk. VG and PG come in large quantities, and take a very long time to expire. Though the up-front cost is higher, the savings over time will blow your mind.

On the other hand, that up-front cost may not be worth it to you. Take the time to sit down and figure out how much you’re spending per month or even per week on vaping, and see if the savings of DIY creation would be worth it. Figuring this out will be difficult, as time spent can also be a factor. Creating e-liquids is somewhat like making meals - it’s far less time consuming to go for take-out, but that’s going to be more expensive.

Like many other parts of life, DIY e-liquid creation has to be considered under a balance of many factors. There are pros, such as cost reduction for heavy vapers and unique flavor creation. There are also cons, such as time spent and large up-front costs. Regardless of what you choose, make sure that your decision is a wise one. Take the time to figure out what works best for you and don’t look back.