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The Vape Mall Blog

The Vape Game: Becoming a Coil Builder

Have you looked down at the vape you use and realized that it’s not quite up to your standards? Possibly that there are just a few parts and pieces you’d like to tweak? Then maybe it’s time for you to become a true engineer of your craft, and begin building your own coils. Coil building is [...]

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Your 5 Senses Make A Difference When You Vape

The five senses: sight, hearing, taste, smell, and touch, are absolutely critical to a fulfilling vaping experience. While each sense can be thought of and treated differently, the best experience is when all five senses are satisfied with a truly pleasurable experience. How exactly does one attain that moment when all five senses are perfectly [...]

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Top 3 Spring E-Liquids from The Vape Mall

Spring is in the air! With bright sun and blue skies quickly approaching, it’s time to throw off the layers of scarves, blankets, coats, and whatever else you can pile on to stay warm and embrace the shorts and T-shirt weather. Along with the beautiful weather comes that young curiosity to try new experiences. As [...]

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Diacetyl and Vaping

Recently there was a report least about a study done at Harvard about diacetyl in ejuice. Here we are going to provide some light on just what is diacetyl and how it may effect you. What is diacetyl? According to Quora Diacetyl is a natural product of fermentation found in butter, beer and wine. It's also added [...]

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Product Highlight - Kanger Subox Nano

The Long awaited  Kanger Subox Nano has finally hit the market and today we will take a closer look at this small, sleek and appealing kit. The Subox Nano much like the Subox Mini comes with the 50 watt mod, a Kanger Subtank, and a charger. Unlike the Subox Mini though there is no RBA deck [...]

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Airway studies shows e-cigarette vapor produces similar result as air

A story released a few weeks ago showed that scientists from MatTek and British American Tobacco used a variety of ways to test the effects of ecig vapor on a person's airway tissue vs that compared to regular cigarettes. They used a smoking robot in a lab. What they where able to do was measure [...]

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Product Highlight - The OBS T-VCT Tank.

Today we will be looking at the OBS T-VCT sub ohm tank. With so many sub ohm tanks on the market today and more coming out very soon this tank offers something that some of the current top selling tanks do not. This T-VCT is a 22mm tank that holds 6ml of ejuice. The tank [...]

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Selecting your first ecig setup.

Often times when someone wants to switch from regular cigarettes to vaping they have no idea where to start. Some people may not even have a vape shop very close so driving to one for advice isn't always a possibility and some people may just want to have a little knowledge before they go into [...]

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What is sub ohming and is it for me?

The new trend over the last six or so months has been sub ohm vaping. In this blog we are going to give some basics for someone looking to get into some of the newer sub ohm setups without getting into mechanical mods and rebuilding. Now sub ohm vaping has been around a lot longer [...]

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Ohms on Your Coil Explained

Everyone at some point in vaping will have to or already has bought a coil or coils. What a lot of people often don't pay attention to is the ohms of a coil. While that might sound odd to the experienced vapor many people simply aren't explained what the ohm on their coil means and [...]

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