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The Vape Mall Blog

​Feel the Magnificent Power of the SMOK TFV8

Posted by David on


The SMOKTFV8 is a power to reckon with. This tank just takes sub-ohm vaping to a whole new level. Once you use this tank, you’ll see exactly what we mean. Its magnificently patented turbo engine is the force behind the extreme vapor cloud production. If you are into sub-ohm vaping, you should not miss out on the following features from the TFV8: 

Flavor Enhancement
Where some tanks are not so outspoken when it comes to flavor enhancement, the case is different for SMOK TFV8. This tank comes with a Quadruple Coil Head. With such a coil, vapers who shy away from high wattages won’t get a great flavor. But if you adjust the wattages a notch to anything above 70 watts, you’ll get magic. However, for safety purposes, try to avoid going above 150W, even though the tank can deliver up to 180W.

Ease of Coil Rebuilding
Most vape tanks do not put coil rebuilding into consideration. That’s why you’ll find that most vapers skip any tank that has this risk. The SMOK TFV8 is here to change that. The RBA tank deck is a two-post build of 18 mm, with terminals that are 2mm apart. This allows you to easily build your coils without wasting a good portion of your time. This tank comes with a deck that has pre-installed coils with a resistance of 0.28 clapton.

The last thing you want is a tank that requires you to refill after every hit. SMOK wanted to eliminate this concern and therefore, built the TFV8 to have a tank that holds up to 6 ml of e-juice. This way, you don’t have to refill after every 5 minutes. In fact, you can go up to 30 minutes without the need for a refill. If this isn’t the greatest news for a sub-ohm vaper, I don’t know what is. Other than that, in comparison to triple or quad coil builds, its coils don’t take up much e-liquid. Not to worry, the flavor quality is still as great.

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