The Vape Mall Blog
A Revisited Vaping Question: How Often Should You Wick a Pod Coil
When it comes to how often you should wick your coil, there’s really no set rule, as is the case with most things vape-related. There are so many factors that determine whether or not it’s time to insert a new wick that it’s basically impossible to come up with a single answer that applies to all vapers.This [...]
A 2023 Guide to THC-P
THC-P is one of the newest cannabinoids on our radar. Although it’s a natural part of the hemp plant, it wasn’t discovered until very recently. And, even though it’s practically brand new to our awareness, it’s already become one of the top-selling hemp derivatives on the market, and for good reason. Its blissful effects are incredibly potent, making [...]
A 2023 Guide to HHC
HHC is one of the most recent cannabinoids to take the hemp world by storm. Its psychoactive status makes it extremely appealing to those who want to get high without breaking federal law, but that’s not all that this cannabinoid has up its sleeve, as its variety of properties is nothing short of impressive. That being said, it’s [...]
5 Reasons Salt-Based Vape Juices Can Boost Your Vaping Experience Here in 2023
In case you haven’t heard, nicotine salts are all the rage in today’s vaping world, and for good reason. This new style of vaping has given countless vape enthusiasts intense satisfaction while helping convert more smokers than ever.Before we had nicotine salts, we had freebase nicotine, the chemically modified version of the nicotine compound that’s naturally in the tobacco [...]
Your Updated Guide to Stopping/Avoiding Vape Spitback Issues in 2023
Oh, that dreaded spitback. So often, we’ll be enjoying a smooth, flavorful vape when all of a sudden, little droplets of e-liquid bounce out of our drip tip and land on our tongue. That experience can ruin our vaping session, and it often signals that something about our setup isn’t quite right.Fortunately, we’ve created a guide [...]
Top 5 2023 Memorial Day The Vape Mall E-Liquids
Memorial Day is a holiday with an important history, and many of us take this day as a chance to spend time with our loved ones, spending hours outdoors with friends and families while we enjoy a day off of work. Now, while spending those festive days with outdoors and in the hot sun, we recommend that you [...]
Quick Step-by-Step Guide to Using the SMOK NFIX PRO Pod Kit
SMOKtech never fails to provide the vaping community with impressive vape hardware, especially when it comes to their pod systems. Now, the latest and greatest device from this awesome company is the SMOK NFIX PRO Pod Kit. You’re looking at a pod mod that’s packed with newly advanced functionalities, a user-friendly design, and neat aesthetic appeal, all coming [...]
How Does Nicotine Affect The Brain in a Positive Way
While the war against vaping continues within the FDA, a new study aims to prove that nicotine actually boasts incredible benefits in terms of cognitive function. A group of researchers located in South Carolina are seeking to demonstrate the amazing ways in which this compound is capable of improving brain function in order to prevent cognitive decline. If the [...]
Full Reasons to Avoid Mixing a Salt-Based E-Liquid with a Freebase E-Liquid
If you’re new to the world of flavor blending, you’re probably considering mixing a salt nic e-liquid with a freebase e-liquid to see what happens. But, before you try out that experiment, know that it’s basically impossible to vape an e-liquid that contains both types of nicotine. Basically, if you attempt to mix these two together, you’ll [...]
Can You Flavor Blend Different Salt-Based Vape Juices
Now that you’ve discovered the magical world of nic salts, you might be interested in taking your vaping game to the next level by exploring different flavors. One of the best ways to do this is by flavor blending. This process allows you to experiment with unique flavor combinations that are catered to your unique taste preferences.A Quick [...]