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Small, Medium or Large Glass Chillum Pipes – You Decide!
Are you in the market for a new pipe for your herb-related purposes? If so, it may be time to give chillum pipes a try. Chillum pipes, also known as simply “chillums,” have been around for centuries, originating out of India. They are structurally different from the pipes that we’re used to, and offer some unique [...]
Top 4 2020 Springtime E-Liquids from The Vape Mall
All it takes is a step outside to notice that spring has arrived at last. Finally, we can see the first flowers blooming, we can hear the birds gathering, and we can feel the warm air creeping in after months of cold.Spring is in the Vaping AirAt the Vape Mall, we love the springtime, because it gives us [...]
Top 3 2020 Pattys Day ELiquids from The Vape Mall
St. Partrick’s Day is right around the corner, so the time is now to stock up on vape juices that can satisfy the Irish leprechaun that’s inside all of us. Whether you’re going to be partying or spending a quiet evening at home, these e-liquids can get you into the holiday spirit. You’ll also find that each vape [...]
Top E-Liquid Flavors of the Year from The Vape Mall
Another year ends, which means that we at The Vape Mall are excitedly discovering which of our e-juice flavors were the most popular over the last twelve months. We’ve studied the data in order to provide you with a list of the top nine vape juices that we sold in 2019. Each will still be available in the [...]
Pros and Cons of Using Either Glass or Silicone Herbal Pipes
Even though technology has evolved in a way that allows us to enjoy our herb in the form of electronic devices, pipes still remain a highly popular way to consume our product. It’s no wonder when you consider the many advantages that they offer. Today, there are two highly popular types of pipes that users enjoy the [...]
Best 2019 Thanksgiving E-Liquid Flavors from The Vape Mall
Can you believe that Thanksgiving is only a couple of days away? It feels like we only celebrated Halloween a week ago, doesn’t it? Well, now that Thanksgiving is right around the corner, we’re all looking forward to having a day off when we can enjoy some quality time with loved ones and savor the richest and most [...]
Best 2019 Halloween E-Liquid Flavors from The Vape Mall
Can you believe that Halloween is already just around the corner? Whether or not you plan on dressing up this year, we’re certain that you’re looking for some way to make the most of this treasured holiday. And, The Vape Mall, has your vaping needs covered by perfectly capturing the spirit of Halloween in terms of flavor. Whichever [...]
5 Awesome Flavor Blends You Can Create from The Vape Mall
If vaping is all about finding that intoxicating flavor for you, there’s a good chance that you’ve gone through the majority of The Vape Mall e-liquid flavors. But, have you ever tried mixing two of our signature flavors together? If you haven’t, it’s time to give flavor blending a try.Now, not all flavors are complementary, which is [...]
Top 3 2019 Upcoming Fall E-Juice Flavors from The Vape Mall
The summer is winding down, to the disappoint of many. But, soon enough, the leaves will be falling from the trees, we’ll be wearing our favorite sweaters and counting down the days to Halloween. That’s right – the fall season is upon us, and many of us love this beautiful time of year.If you’re itching to get [...]
Top 3 Melon-Flavored E-Liquids from The Vape Mall
We’re deep into the summer season, which means that things are really heating up. The next time there’s a heatwave taking over your town, why not quench your thirst and cool down with some nice, juicy watermelon-flavored e-liquid from The Vape Mall? These tempting juices give you that fresh and ripe melon taste without requiring that you make [...]