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Ayahuasca and CBD: Could There be a Connection?
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onHave you been thinking about taking ayahuasca? Perhaps you have heard about it online, or
you may even know a friend who had an ayahuasca experience who swears that it
changed their life. Ayahuasca has been
around for a very, very long time, but it’s only now starting to become part of
the mainstream consciousness thanks to a recent increase in popularity.
We understand that there are a lot of people who feel that they may benefit from ayahuasca but are afraid of the potential for negative side effects. That’s why we’re going to break down some key information regarding this plant-based psychoactive tea to help you understand it better.
Plus, we will even answer a question that we’ve been coming across, which is whether or not it’s okay to take CBD with ayahuasca. The answer may surprise you, so read on.
What is Ayahuasca?
Ayahuasca is a tea made from psychoactive plant material. Ancient tribes of the Amazon region have been using it ceremoniously for thousands of years, and drinking it remains a sacred practice within these tribes to this day.
The tea itself is a combination of Psychotria viridis leaves and Banisteriopsis caapi vine. These plant materials are boiled and reduced, and then they are strained so that what remains is a drinkable liquid that contains the desirable compounds that exist in these plants. Traditionally, a shaman makes this tea, using his or her spiritual instincts to determine when the tea has reduced properly to be the most effective.
The psychoactive effects come from DMT, which is a heavy hallucinogenic that is actually produced in the brain. DMT in its natural state is not highly bioavailable because of how quickly it gets broken down by enzymes produced within the body. The combination of plants in the tea provide adequate DMT along with compounds that inhibit this enzyme so that it is absorbed as much as possible into the body for far stronger effects.
How is Ayahuasca Taken?
To this day, it’s most common to consume ayahuasca in a ceremonial way. Because of the intensity of an ayahuasca trip, it’s advised that a person who wishes to take it do so under the guidance of a shaman. And so, the most recommended way to take it is to visit a tribe in which it is used ceremoniously. Plus, can be given by a shaman who has much experience providing ayahuasca to people. The shaman not only knows how to make the tea properly but can also be present while you experience its effects, guiding you along your personal journey with their expertise and experience.
Why are People Taking Ayahuasca?
So, what are the benefits of ayahuasca that have made this tea so popular? Well, maybe you’ve heard people say that one ayahuasca trip takes the place of ten years of therapy. While this is a common comparison, we of course can’t make such a statement ourselves. But what we can tell you is that there have been numerous studies on its therapeutic effects.
Ayahuasca’s hallucinogen properties allow a person to experience a lengthy hallucinatory experience during which they are confronted with parts of their subconscious that they may or may not be aware of. They may see images of past traumas, or even have revelations about current circumstances that are psychologically unhealthy. This can be quite healing for people who are struggling with anxiety, depression or another mood disorder, as it may help the body process painful memories and situations.
There are also studies showing that ayahuasca may be useful to those struggling with addiction and self-harm, as it can potentially open up emotional blockages while recalibrating the way in which the body seeks out these activities.
And, ayahuasca may offer long-term cognitive benefits as well because of the way in which the compounds interact with functions of the brain.
Can CBD Be Taken Along with Ayahuasca?
It makes sense that a lot of people would want to know whether or not they can take CBD products along with ayahuasca, as both of these products are natural and known for their potential therapeutic usefulness.
Well, according to shamans who regularly hold ayahuasca ceremonies, the answer is yes. For one thing, cannabidiol is not psychoactive, which means that it won’t interfere with the hallucinatory effects of ayahuasca. Further, CBD is not a drug, and so it’s not believed that there’s any real risk of a negative interaction.
What Can CBD Do to Potentially Enhance the Ayahuasca Experience?
In fact, some people have reported that CBD can complement the effects of ayahuasca, either before, during or after the ceremony. This shouldn’t be too surprising if you know how cannabidiol works in the body, and what it’s capable of in terms of its properties.
CBD is a cannabinoid, which directly supports the body’s endocannabinoid system (ECS) – regulates the many bodily processes that we depend on for overall well-being. These processes include mood, sleep cycle, inflammation, and more.
The endocannabinoid system needs cannabidiol and other cannabinoids to do its job fully. When it receives cannabinoids, it sends them to cannabinoid receptors (CB receptors) found in every bodily system. These cannabinoid receptors are in charge of regulating the actions performed by these bodily systems.
So, what does this have to do with ayahuasca? Well, CBD’s potential regulatory effects can be very useful during the experience. Ayahuasca can be extremely helpful to people struggling with psychological ailments, but in some cases, there can be some unwanted side effects during the process, including extreme nausea and anxiety caused by being exposed to parts of the subconscious that hold difficult memories.
This means that cannabidiol may help regulate certain functions of the brain that are stimulated during an ayahuasca trip, helping maintain psychological harmony as the effects of ayahuasca take place. Let’s look at more specific applications based on what we know about CBD.
#1: Calm the Nerves
Because of the endocannabinoid system’s role in cortisol regulation, CBD is widely known for helping people relax, both physically and mentally. Ayahuasca can be a slightly off-putting experience for some, especially if it’s their first time. For one thing, the person is in an unfamiliar place, surrounded by strangers when they take it. Secondly, as we said, it can expose a person to painful memories and fears that they have.
#2: Help with Nausea
It’s very common to feel nauseous after taking ayahuasca, and many people actually vomit. Studies have shown that CBD may help reduce these symptoms.
#3: Ensure Adequate Sleep
After taking ayahuasca, a person’s sleep may be temporarily disturbed due to the effects that DMT have on neurotransmitters. Because of the potential calming effects of CBD, taking hemp following an ayahuasca trip may be useful as it may help a person sleep better.
#4: Regulate Cognition
CBD has also been shown to have effects on cognition, according to clinical studies. After taking ayahuasca, a person may feel temporarily foggy, and CBD may be useful in this case.
Taking CBD with Ayahuasca: What You Need to Know
Ayahuasca is quickly becoming a widely popular psychoactive thanks to its potential therapeutic properties. As more and more people become interested in trying it out, it’s becoming common for hemp users to wonder whether or not they can enjoy their CBD throughout their ayahuasca experience, or shortly before or after.
So, If you’re going to take CBD with ayahuasca, we suggest consulting both your doctor and the shaman who will be performing the ceremony. Again, they can help you determine whether or not CBD is a good idea, and if it should be taken in a particular way to provide the most usefulness during, before or after the experience.