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Seeing a Bit more Clearly with CBD
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onDid you know that a large number of serious vision-related disorders go undiagnosed each year? This largely has to do with the fact that many people attribute poor vision to age, meaning that they ignore the signs that something is seriously wrong. Yes, it’s true that we do experience a decrease in our vision as we get older. However, there are certain eye-related illnesses that can be treated if a person simply goes to an eye doctor.
One of the most common vision-related disorders is glaucoma. This condition can lead to permanent blindness if it’s not treated, which means that knowing the warning signs is key. And, new evidence suggests that CBD, the plant compound that comes from hemp, might be able to help a person both prevent and treat this disorder from occurring.
If you’re the type of person who likes to take their health into their own hands, this article is for you. We’ll be diving deep into the research that suggests a strong link between CBD consumption and healthy vision.
What is Glaucoma?
Glaucoma is an illness that directly affects a person’s vision. It results from an accumulation of pressure inside the eye, which is referred to as intraocular pressure. As more pressure builds up, the optic nerve becomes more and more damaged, meaning that the person’s eyesight will slowly deteriorate as a result because of the fact that the optic nerve is what’s responsible for a person’s ability to perceive images.
Glaucoma can affect people of any age, but it most often affects those above the age of 40. It’s widely believed to be a hereditary condition, but it can be caused by an eye infection or a traumatic injury to the eyeball. And, certain underlying conditions like diabetes can make a person more likely to develop glaucoma.
What makes glaucoma particularly dangerous is the fact that it’s extremely difficult for the sufferer to detect until it’s too late. The loss of vision is extremely gradual, and, as we stated earlier, frequently attributed to age. Besides a loss of vision, symptoms include eye pain and the appearance of halos in one’s line of sight. Therefore, if you are experiencing any of these symptoms, it’s very important that you see an eye doctor immediately. If glaucoma runs in your family, it’s suggested that you see an eye doctor at least once each year for a checkup.
How Glaucoma and Similar Disorders are Often Treated
Glaucoma is more easily treatable the earlier it’s detected. After a certain point, permanent blindness is inevitable, which is why it’s so important that you try to treat it as early as possible. It’s relatively easy to diagnose, which means that your doctor will have treatment options available very early on after your initial visit.
Typically, early stages of glaucoma are treated with special eyedrops that relieve the pressure that has built up in the eye. However, later stages may require certain types of surgery, often involving a laser.
The Relationship Between the Endocannabinoid System and Your Vision
Many people are unaware of the way in which CBD interacts with the human body. It all has to do with the endocannabinoid system which was only discovered in the 1990s. This bodily system is responsible for homeostasis, the state in which all of the body’s many processes are operating in a balanced and regulated way. Homeostasis is essentially the clinical term for optimal health.
The endocannabinoid system regulates these bodily processes by building cannabinoids that are then sent off to bond with cannabinoid receptors throughout our bodies. These receptors need these cannabinoids in order to create chemical reactions that lead to regulation. Cannabinoid receptors exist along our brains, nervous systems and digestive tracts. The endocannabinoid system, therefore, can regulate everything from inflammation levels to mood. And, it has a lot to do with the health of our neurological system.
The problem is that many of us are deficient in cannabinoids. However, CBD supplements the body’s resources so that the endocannabinoid system has what it needs to do its very important job.
Many experts believe that the health of our neurological system has a lot to do with how much we’re at risk of developing glaucoma. This is because the neurological pathways can dictate the function of the eyes, including intraocular pressure. CBD has been found to possess neuroprotectant properties, meaning that it can actually strengthen the neuropathways in order to improve overall neurological health. CBD’s neuroprotectant properties are so widely studied that the FDA has approved a CBD-based drug that treats pediatric epilepsy.
Studies on CBD and Vision
CBD has been linked to improved vision through various clinical studies. Most famously, a study found that Moroccan natives experienced improved night vision as well as improved vision overall after consuming CBD regularly.
The Case for No THC
We suggest that if you use cannabis to treat a vision-related problem, you stick with CBD that contains no THC. That’s because some evidence suggests that THC can aggravate existing vision problems.
A Clearer Way to See with CBD
CBD just may have what it takes to treat glaucoma and other vision-related illnesses. If you want to consider taking this supplement to improve your vision, speak with your doctor and make sure you go with a trusted brand. Don’t forget to stick with a THC-free product for the best results.
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