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CBD For a Goodnight’s Sleep
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onAre you getting your seven to eight hours each night? If you’re not, you’re likely not feeling as fresh and ready for the day as you’d like. Without the proper amount of sleep, you’ll end up feeling tired to say the least. But poor sleep can lead to bigger issues such as mood disorders, a weakened immune system and an inability to complete important tasks at work and at home.
Millions of Americans complain about not being able to get enough sleep each night. Getting a good night’s sleep should be a natural, normal thing, but many still struggle, finding themselves lying awake as the hours go on. If this sounds like you, you might want to consider giving CBD a try.
Unlike popular sleeping pills that are on the market, CBD seems to work with the body’s natural system to improve sleep by helping the brain release certain neurotransmitters that make it easy to drift off.
What Causes Poor Sleep?
One of the reasons why poor sleep can be so difficult to diagnose is because of the fact that it can have such an enormous range of causes. Insomnia and poor sleep quality can seem to occur out of nowhere and become chronic with no particular trigger. That’s why it’s crucial that you speak to your doctor as he or she may be able to figure out the underlying cause so that you can be treated properly.
Stress and Anxiety
Both stress and anxiety can cause sleep problems, and, in fact, they are the most common culprits. If your mind is releasing too much of the stress hormone known as cortisol during the day, you’ll likely feel “tired but wired” when it’s time to hit the sack. That’s because excessive amounts of cortisol in the bloodstream inform the mind that it must stay alert in case of a threat. Needless to say, this state of mind greatly conflicts with the ability to drift off easily once the lights go out.
If you’re suffering from chronic pain, sleep might be just as elusive as physical relief. When our body is in pain, our brain believes that we are in danger. This can leave us feeling wide awake. Besides, pain can be quite distracting, making it hard for our minds to relax when it’s bedtime.
Another common cause of insomnia is depression. When a person has depression, they aren’t producing enough serotonin, the neurotransmitter responsible for making us feel calm and content. When our serotonin isn’t high enough, our body loses its ability to produce an adequate amount of melatonin, the hormone that is stimulated at night time so that the body can fall asleep.
Poor Lifestyle Habits
There are also plenty of lifestyle habits that can be interfering with your ability to sleep. These include smoking cigarettes, drinking too much alcohol, consuming too many fluids before bedtime, using electronic devices late at night, exercising too close to bedtime and consuming too much sugar during the day.
Nutritional Deficiencies
Certain nutritional deficiencies can cause a lack of sleep. We need nutrients like D, B12, magnesium and zinc in order to give our brains what they need to relax.
How’s Poor Sleep Usually Treated?
If you go to your doctor in order to treat your sleep-related issues, they’ll likely tell you first to change certain habits that may be interfering with your ability to get shut-eye. They’ll probably tell you to restrict your use of electronic devices at nighttime, to cut down on caffeine and consume less alcohol. They may also recommend an over-the-counter sleeping medication.
However, if those things don’t work, your doctor will probably prescribe you a sleeping medication. Generally speaking, there are two types of sleeping medications out there. Hypnotics are drugs that act as psychoactive sedatives in order to shut down certain parts of the brain so that a person may fall asleep without effort. These drugs are very strong and are often used in surgical environments as well.
The other class of drugs is benzodiazepines. Drugs like Valium and Xanax fall under this category. They’re great for slowing down the mind and alleviating anxiety that can keep a person up at night. However, they’re not safe to take over a long period of time as they’re extremely addictive and potentially deadly if the person stops taking them suddenly.
Can CBD Help Me Get a Good Night’s Sleep?
CBD might be able to help you get the shuteye that you deserve. This is because of the body’s endocannabinoid system. This system regulates the body’s many processes including the secretion of different neurotransmitters. The endocannabinoid system produces cannabinoids that attach to CB receptors in the brain in order to stimulate a balance of chemicals.
If you’re deficient in cannabinoids, your body cannot give your brain what it needs to calm down at night. CBD is a natural cannabinoid that comes from the hemp plant, so by taking it each night, you’re essentially giving the body what it is trying to produce on its own.
In fact, several case studies have found a strong link between taking CBD nightly and improved sleep. It seems that CBD stimulates the production of the chemicals in the brain that are responsible for helping us relax so that we can drift off into dreamland.
Anxiety and Depression
If stress, depression or anxiety are keeping you up at night, you’ll be interested to know that CBD has been found to help alleviate these issues. CBD seems to have the ability to regulate the production of serotonin, melatonin and cortisol, three neurotransmitters that control sleep as well as mood.
If chronic pain is what’s keeping you up at night, CBD might be exactly what you need. Many studies have found that this cannabinoid can provide relief from pain thanks to its combination of analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties.
How to Take CBD for Sleep
If you wanna try CBD in order to improve your sleep, tell your doctor beforehand. Make sure that you select a CBD product that’s especially potent. You’ll probably want to go with a tincture as it can take effect in as little as fifteen minutes and stay in the system for several hours.
It’s important that you are consistent with your CBD use. For some people, CBD must accumulate in the body before it starts working. So, give it a couple of weeks. If you still aren’t seeing an improvement, you can increase your dose.
No More Sleepless Nights
Countless people have found relief from sleepless nights with the magic of hemp. CBD seems to have the ability to help people fall asleep quickly and stay asleep during the night. This holistic, natural plant compound just may be what you need.