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The Vape Mall Blog

Simple Do’s and Don’ts When Entering the World of THC-P

Posted by David on

THC-P, or tetrahydrocannabiphorol, is one of the newest cannabinoid discoveries resulting from intensive research into the chemical composition of the hemp plant. Heralded as the most psychoactive cannabinoid in hemp, it’s estimated to be 10 times as intoxicating as delta 9 THC, making it very powerful to say the least. If you’re a THC-P beginner, then you’re going to want to be very mindful of certain things before starting a new routine with the cannabinoid, to make sure that you get to enjoy all that THC-P is capable of in a way that fully suits your needs.

Do: Think Carefully About Your Delivery Method

THC-P products come in different delivery methods, such as edibles and inhalable products like vapes and flower. Each delivery method behaves in its own way. Inhalable products can produce effects within just minutes, which last for a couple of hours and feel particularly potent. Edibles take up to 2 hours to kick in but provide effects for up to 8 hours, with a stronger body high effect that’s great for putting the body at ease. Consider what you want out of your THC-P experience, and then choose the right method for your needs.

Do: Put Time Aside for THC-P

THC-P is highly psychoactive. So, you’ll want to have a clear schedule for a few hours, especially as a beginner. The high can cause some level of impairment that interferes with work and other responsibilities. The last thing you want to happen is getting very high off of THC-P and then having to engage in something that requires complete concentration and awareness.

Do: Think About the Strain You Want

Certain THC-P products like vapes and flower come in different strains, and each strain is going to offer its own unique effects, as well as flavor profile. For instances. some strains are great for evening, since they can mellow you out, while some can make you feel more alert and uplifted during the day.

Do: Research a Brand Before Buying

Before buying a THC-P product, make sure that you really research the company that you’re buying from. Look for third-party lab reports on their website, as this shows that the company has their products tested for purity, potency and federal compliance by an unbiased, state-licensed facility. Read reviews to make sure that other customers are happy with their products, as well.

Do: Be Conscious of Your Tolerance

THC-P is the most intoxicating cannabinoid in the hemp plant, so be aware of your overall THC tolerance before taking it. If you’ve never tried an intoxicating cannabinoid before, you’ll probably want to start with something milder like delta-8 THC, and work your way up to THC-P. While THC-P isn’t dangerous, it can definitely get you very intoxicated beyond the point of your comfort level as a beginner.

Do: Try Out Different Types of THC-P Products

There are all kinds of great THC-P products out there, and all sorts of strains to explore. We always encourage our customers to try out different THC-P products to see what they like. You may be surprised by how much a specific product really resonates with your needs, so keep an open mind and explore what’s available.

Don’t: Take Too Much as a Beginner

Since you’re a THC-P beginner, you have no idea what your tolerance to this cannabinoid is just yet. So, don’t take a huge dose of it the first couple of times. After all, you don’t want to get so high that you actually feel uncomfortable. Instead, stick to the suggested amount on the label, and only increase your dosage amount gradually as desired.

Don’t: Drive After Taking THC-P

Because THC-P is intoxicating, you should never drive after taking it. Driving while intoxicated is both illegal and dangerous. Wait until the effects have worn off before getting behind the wheel.

Don’t: Take THC-P if You Have an Upcoming Drug Test

THC-P is metabolized by THC-COOH, an enzyme that also breaks down delta 9 THC. Urine-based drug tests identify THC-COOH in a person’s body, resulting in a failed test. Basically, if you take THC-P, your chances of failing a drug test are pretty high.

Don’t: Go with the Cheapest THC-P Formula

There’s lots of THC-P on the market today, but not all of it is created equally. Sadly, there will always be companies that use poor manufacturing practices, low-quality ingredients or such low concentrations of the cannabinoid that the effects are disappointing. Don’t just settle for the most inexpensive THC-P you can find, since you’ll probably wish you never bought it at all.

Don’t: Be Impatient After Taking a THC-P Product

It’s a common mistake for a beginner to not wait long after taking some THC-P to think that they need to take more because they aren’t feeling anything yet. With inhalable products, it can take up to about 30 minutes before the effects kick in. Edibles are even longer, taking up to a couple of hours. Be patient, and if enough time passes and nothing happens, then you can take a little more. The next day, consider taking a slightly higher dose since it may be that you naturally have a high tolerance to cannabinoids.

Following These Simple Rules Will Make Your THC-P Experience Exceptional

Overall, THC-P is a nontoxic cannabinoid that comes in many user-friendly formula options. So, the worst things that can happen are that you end up with a cheap, low-quality product, or get way too high as a beginner. But, overall, by following these easy guidelines, you’ll be able to really customize your experience to give you the results you’re looking for with this exciting new hemp derivative.

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