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Could CBD Help Dogs with an Autoimmune Disease?

Posted by David on

Even in spite of the absolute best efforts, our furry friends are prone to becoming ill. But you might be surprised to learn that our precious canines can develop autoimmune conditions, just like us. They have their own immune systems which fulfill the same roles as ours and are equally prone to developing chronic conditions.

If your dog is dealing with an autoimmune disease, it’s extremely important that you get them help. Most autoimmune diseases, despite being lifelong, are not deadly, but it is still essential that you give them adequate medical care so that they can experience a generally high quality of life.

As you’ll now see, CBD may be a complementary option if you’re treating your dog for this type of condition.

What is an Autoimmune Condition?

Autoimmune conditions can affect all mammals. The immune system is tasked with fighting off cells related to illnesses, such as viruses and bacteria. To do this, it sends cytokines throughout the body as needed.

An autoimmune condition occurs when the immune system attacks healthy cells in the body for no valid reason. This leads to a wide range of symptoms and ailments, as the immune system can attack any location of the body. [Source]

Why Do Dogs Get Autoimmune Conditions?

So now you know what an autoimmune condition is, but why does it happen to dogs specifically? Well, the problem is that a lot relating to autoimmune conditions is unknown. However, there are some factors that can at the very least greatly contribute.

  • One factor that can contribute to the development of an autoimmune condition is one’s past medical history.
  • In some cases, a particularly severe infection can weaken the immune system to the point that it attacks its own host.
  • There are genetic factors that can play a role as well.
  • Certain poor lifestyle habits can contribute, such as poor diet and chronic stress.

How Can I Tell if My Dog Has an Autoimmune Condition?

An autoimmune condition will present itself as at least one chronic symptom. It can be hard to determine whether the condition is autoimmune or not. For instance, some dogs may develop inflammation of the skin, which may at first appear to be a symptom of exposure to an allergen. Therefore, if your dog has at least one chronic symptom, it’s important to seek medical attention to rule out other causes. Symptoms will vary from dog to dog and can affect any system in their body.

What Can I Do for a Dog with an Autoimmune Condition?

If your dog has an autoimmune condition, it’s important to follow the treatment plan prescribed by your veterinarian. Equally important, maintain healthy habits for your dog. These include:

  • Nutritious, canine-appropriate diet.
  • Limited exposure to stress, affection, and adequate play time.

Would Cannabidiol Actually Help?

CBD is a cannabinoid in the hemp plant. Cannabinoids bind with cannabinoid receptors throughout the body to force regulatory actions to occur throughout the body’s many systems. Essentially, when we give a canine CBD, we’re suppling their body’s endocannabinoid system what it needs to regulate the performance of every bodily system.

Cannabidiol has actually been studied for its effects on autoimmune conditions, as it seems to have the potential to regulate overall immune function.

How Can I Give My Dog CBD for an Autoimmune Condition?

Dogs can take CBD, as their bodies react to it the same way that ours do. However, you still need to discuss this with your vet, as only they have the knowledge of your dog’s medical history and current medications. It’s also essential that you give your dog a pet-friendly CBD product, as many companies make goods specifically for dogs.

For one thing, the formula must be free of ingredients that may be harmful to canines. Secondly, the milligram strength is dependent on your dog’s body weight, and so giving them a CBD product for humans would give them more cannabidiol than may be necessary.

When choosing how much CBD to give them, consider the severity of their symptoms. CBD is nontoxic to all mammals, so if your vet agrees that a higher milligram strength is needed, you can feel comfortable administering that.

CBD comes in a few different delivery methods for dogs. We recommend giving them a tincture or a treat to make sure that CBD is distributed throughout their body. But, if your dog also has skin symptoms, you can add a topical solution such as a cream, balm, lotion, or even spray to their regimen.

You Have Options for This Condition

If your dog is struggling with an autoimmune condition, speak to your veterinarian about starting them on a CBD-based regimen. We have enough data regarding cannabidiol’s various properties that show that it may be an extremely useful course of action.

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