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Easy-to-Follow Do’s and Don’ts When Using Delta 8 THC in 2023

Posted by David on

Most of us have heard and seen the rapidly growing success of delta 8 THC, a cannabinoid that naturally occurs in the hemp plant. Delta 8 is recognized for its relatively mild but very notable psychoactive effects. These effects are slightly more subdued than those of delta 9 THC. Now, since delta 8 products are quite easy to find in today’s marketplace, anyone who’s a total newbie will need to take some key things into consideration before taking a headfirst leap into this new routine.

What are the Most Common Delta 8 THC Do’s & Don’ts You Need to Be Aware of?

If you’re starting to get into delta 8 THC, then there are certain rules you should follow in order to have the most satisfying high possible. That being said, these do’s and don’ts are easy to follow, and will prevent you from being disappointed as a first-timer.

Those Key Do’s:

#1: Choose Lab-Tested Delta 8

Avoid buying delta 8 that hasn’t been third-party lab-tested, with results available on the company’s website. Delta 8 must undergo a strict testing process carried out by a state-authorized laboratory, and all brands must make these reports easy to find for customers. This lab-testing process confirms that the delta 8 is authentic, potent, pure, safe and federally compliant, so look through the reports thoroughly before making a purchase.

#2: Be Picky About the Strain

Every strain gets its effects from its terpenes; hence one strain can supply a totally different high from another. So, make an effort then to really investigate the different strains that are available, reading up on them to find the choice that completely matches your needs, whether that be the right strain for a lazy evening, a restful night, or a creatively motivated morning or afternoon.

#3: Go Easy in the Beginning

Don’t make the mistake of taking a huge amount of delta 8 as a beginner. Without a high tolerance that comes from experience, any intoxicating substance can backfire if it’s taken in too high of a dose. While you likely won’t be in danger, getting too high because of a low tolerance can lead to anxiety, dry mouth, dizziness, and reduced blood pressure. Follow the directions on the label to take the recommended amount per serving, and increase your dosage gradually as tolerated.

#4: Make Sure Your Schedule is Cleared

Although delta 8 isn’t the most potent cannabinoid out there, anyone new to taking it will usually have a low tolerance for it. In turn, you might get ‘more high’ than originally thought. Having a clear schedule then, even if it’s only for a few hours, can let you enjoy delta8’s effects without having anything that they urgently need to tend to.

#5: Try Delta 8 at Night

Delta 8 is an awesome cannabinoid thank to its versatility, since its mild high can feel great at any time of day. But, if you’re still in the early stages of using delta-8, consider taking it at night for a while because its soothing effects can be particularly potent when your tolerance is low, essentially making you feel sleepy and have a hard time completing tasks.

Those Key Don’ts:

#1: Taking Delta 8 if You Have a Drug Test Coming Up

Delta 8 is broken down by the same enzyme that breaks down delta , which is THC-COOH. And, that urine test that employers use isn’t looking for marijuana, but THC-COOH in the urine sample. What this means is, if you’ve a drug test coming up and you recently took delta 8, you will likely test positive. This in turn, can threaten your employment. So, simply wait until after the test to enjoy delta-8.

#2: Driving After Taking Delta 8

Delta 8 is an intoxicating substance, and intoxicating substances can make driving very dangerous due to the impairment that they cause. Driving while high on delta 8 can be harmful to you and others. Plus, it can also get you into trouble with the law, even though delta 8 is a federally legal compound. Wait until the high wears off before getting behind the wheel.

#3: Resisting Exploring What’s Out There

Too many people find one delta 8 product they like, and never branch out after that. Truth is, our industry is just buzzing with all kinds of fantastic delta 8 products, in different delivery methods, strains, formulas, cannabinoid combos and more. Hemp is a gentle plant that is easy to experiment with to find different ways to get use out of it. You may find two products that suit you at different times of day, like a sativa product for the morning and an indica at night. Or, you may find that a vape hits the spot in the morning, and a gummy is perfect for bedtime.

#4: Opting For the Cheapest Delta 8 You Can Find

A huge mistake is finding cheap, low-quality delta 8. Basically, buying your delta-8 products from a gas station is the best way to get disappointed. Sure, the price may be enticing, but the reality is that you’re probably going to have hemp on your hands that’s not potent enough to give you results, as well as some pretty questionable filler ingredients that you probably don’t want in your body.

#5: Being Impatient After Using a Delta 8 Product

A lot of new users’ expectations are that delta 8 should ‘kick in’ really quickly after consuming it, and when that doesn’t happen, they reach for a second dose, and end up getting way too high. On average, it take up to 45 minutes for an inhalable product to begin working its magic, and up to 2 hours for a gummy to do its thing. Be patient, and if you still don’t feel the effects after the required amount of time, then you could take a little more.

Follow These Pointers for Delta 8 THC Success

If you’re ready to give delta 8 THC a try, make sure that you implement each of these rules carefully, because we want every customer to enjoy delta 8 to its fullest potential even on the first try. Come check out our products and choose the one right for you, following each do and don’t above for maximum success.

Note:Before taking any type of delta 8 product, you should initially have a conversation with your doctor. Especially, if you’re currently on any prescription medications. Your physician has access to your medical records and can therefore, make a proper determination if delta 8 is an option for you to have as part of your daily routine.