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Best 2021 CBD Oil-Infused Breakfast Recipes

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Many of us are always trying to come up with new ways to incorporate cannabidiol (CBD) into our daily routines, and one of the best ways is to add it to your morning meals. Starting off the day with a nice dose of hemp extract can put a spring in our step as we go about our more mundane daily activities, with edibles having the ability to maintain effectiveness for 8 hours after absorbing fully into the body.

Now, you can take your daily dose of gummies to get that perfect amount of CBD each morning, or you can treat yourself to one of these mouthwatering breakfast recipes that uses CBD oil to provide a nice dose of cannabinoids with each bite. All of the recipes are easy, nutritious, and perfect for pairing with your favorite hemp compounds.

CBD Avocado Toast

For those who don’t have time to cook in the morning, avocado toast is considered one of the greatest inventions of the 21 st century. This effortless breakfast is filling, satisfying and extremely easy to make. Plus, who doesn’t want to find another reason to turn avocados into a staple of our diets?


-2 avocados, ripe, peeled, and pitted

-1 tbsp lemon or lime juice

-1 dropper of CBD oil

-2 large pieces of toasted bread (preferably a rustic loaf sliced ½ inch thick)

-Two sprinkles of sea salt

-Toppings of your choice: sliced shallots, radishes, peas, mushrooms – anything you prefer)


  • 1.Mash the two avocados with a fork into a small bowl. You want to obtain a consistency that spreads easily, so you don’t have to do a perfect puree.
  • 2.Stir in the citrus and CBD oil.
  • 3.Brush a bit of olive oil on each piece of bread and toast it to the desired level of crispness.
  • 4.Spread the avocado mixture on each piece of toast.
  • 5.Top with the toppings of your choice.

CBD Omelet

For lazier mornings when we have the time to really enjoy our kitchens, an omelet is always a good choice. We can great creative, using scraps from last night’s dinner or come up with a new recipe with carefully curated vegetables and herbs.


-3 eggs

-1 tbsp chopped herbs of your choice (dill, parsley, cilantro, etc.)

-1 splash of milk

-1/2 cup shredded cheese of your choice

-1/2 cup vegetables of your choice, cooked for 5-10 minutes in a frying pan to soften

-2 tbsp olive oil

-2 droppers of CBD oil



  • 1.Into a small bowl, whisk together the eggs, herbs, and milk.
  • 2.Add a generous pinch of salt.
  • 3.Add the olive oil to a nonstick frying pan.
  • 4.Pour the eggs into the pan and put the heat on medium.
  • 5.On top of the eggs, while they are still wet, lay out the cheese and cooked veggies across one half of the omelet.
  • 6.Gently lift one side of the pan off the burner to see if the bottom is cooked. If so, fold over one half of the omelet onto the other. Press down with a spatula to speed up the cooking. After about 90 seconds, flip it over.
  • 7.Once the omelet is removed from the heat, drizzle the CBD oil directly on top.

CBD Granola

Some say granola is breakfast, some say that it’s a snack. Whatever your thoughts may be, it can’t be denied that granola is one of the tastiest things to treat yourself to first thing in the morning. Delicious dry or soaking in milk, it always does the trick.


-4 cups rolled oats

-1/2 cup olive oil, melted butter, coconut oil or another fat of choice, liquefied on the stove beforehand if necessary

-½ cup of your favorite liquid sweetener – honey, agave, or maple syrup will do

-2 tsp salt

-2 tsp cinnamon

-2 tsp nutmeg

-1/2 cup chopped nuts (optional)

-1/2 cup dried fruit like raisins or cranberries (optional)

-3 droppers of CBD oil


  • 1.Preheat the oven to 325 degrees.
  • 2.Into a large mixing bowl, combine all of the ingredients and mix well.
  • 3.Grease a cookie sheet.
  • 4.Lay out the granola in an even layer.
  • 5.Press down with a wooden spoon – this is how you develop clusters.
  • 6.Bake for 15 minutes.
  • 7.Remove from the oven and with a spatula, carefully turn over the broken-up pieces of granola. You can add the fruit and nuts during this step.
  • 8.Place back into the oven and bake for another 15 minutes, or until the granola is golden-brown.

CBD Yogurt Parfait

If you’re a granola lover who is craving something a little bit fancier than just some cereal in milk, you can incorporate the above recipe into this decadent yogurt parfait, which will make you feel like you’re treating yourself during the morning hours.


-1 cup of our CBD granola recipe above

-1 ½ cups yogurt, plain or flavored

-1 cup of your favorite berries

-1 tbsp honey


  • 1.Find a wide, large drinking glass or cup that’s clear so that you can see the layers.
  • 2.First, sprinkle half of the granola into the bottom of the cup.
  • 3.Top with half of the yogurt, followed by half of the fruit.
  • 4.Continue the process to use up these three ingredients, but reserve 1 tbsp of granola.
  • 5.Drizzle with honey and the remaining granola.
  • 6.Eat immediately so that the granola does not get soggy.

CBD Superfood Smoothie

If you’re in a hurry, or just prefer a more liquid type of breakfast, this smoothie will check all of the boxes. Packed with nutrients and so decadent it’s almost like a milkshake. A perfect quick and easy breakfast that tastes as good as it feels.


-1 dropper of CBD oil

-2 tbsp almond butter

-1 cup milk of your choice (soy, dairy, etc.)

-1/2 cup fresh spinach leaves

-1 tsp sprinula powder

-1 tbsp cocoa powder

-1 cup fresh berries

-1 whole banana

-1 tbsp honey or maple syrup


Place all of the ingredients into a blender and blend until smooth.